This page presents wall based mixed media works made as a member of the Urban Kinetics Research Centre, a group of creative academic staff and students at Thames Valley University.

We exhibited on two occasions at the Kinetica Art Fair, Ambika P3, London.

Information about these works


I work with a continuing response to urban spaces, exploring the interface and reciprocal relationship between traditional and technological approaches to art practice. 

This has led to the production of paintings, drawings, digital work, mixed media works and constructions, which explore compositional approaches to structure and formlessness. These are outcomes with which audiences may engage at an emotional level.

The use of the credit card format as a compositional device is a further interest, evident in this presentation.

Kinetica Artfair 2011

“Mist Form” and “Spoken”

A project I am currently developing has the working title of “Thurible Spaces”, derived from contemplating an oral account of an urban wartime experience which occurred seventy years ago. The examples here are new works, presenting experimental combinations of a theme from the oral account with forms extrapolated from the credit card format.

Information, usually encoded in the magnetic stripe of the card, is here given explicit, 3-dimensional and dynamic attributes associated with an individual history.

The wider project “Thurible Spaces” will continue to investigate other potential significations which include destruction, change, veiling, concealing, and spiritual references when deriving from the use of incense.


©Michael Garaway 2011

30 x 9 x 11.3 cm Mixed Media

Kinetica Art Fair 2011

Kinetica Art Fair 2011


©Michael Garaway 2011

29.3 x 18.5 x 22.5 cm Mixed Media

More content to follow in due course...

Kinetica Art Fair 2012



©Michael Garaway 2011

 83 x 14 x 38.5 cm Mixed Media